Home: Nova Scotia Stamp Club

Nova Scotia on Stamps

Halifax & Sable Island

Annapolis Valley

South Shore

Cape Breton Island

Cumberland & Colchester

Pictou, Antigonish
& Guysborough


Cape Breton Island
Cape Breton, Inverness, Richmond and Victoria Counties

Telephone Centenary 1874-1974  Alexander Graham Bell 
First Canadian Airplane Flight - Silver Dart First Canadian Airplane Flight - Silver Dart
© Canada Post Corporation, 1974, 1947, 1959, 2009. Reproduced with permission.
Alexander Graham Bell (1847-1922) Inventor, Scientist, Teacher
Inventor of the telephone and the "Silver Dart", carrying the British Commonwealth's first manned flight. He summered at his estate, Beinn Bhreagh, near Baddeck, Nova Scotia.   Baddeck is now home to a National Historic Site dedicated to Bell's life and work.

Guglielmo Marconi Guglielmo Marconi
© Canada Post Corporation, 1974, 2002. Reproduced with permission.
Guglielmo Marconi (1874-1937) "The Father of Modern Radio"
Following a successful test of transatlantic signals in St. John's, NL in 1901, Glace Bay was chosen in 1902 as the site for the first permanent transatlantic wireless station in Canada - now a National Historic Site.

Margaree River Lake O'Law Cabot Trail Bras d'Or Lighthouse
© Canada Post Corporation, 1992, 2000, 1997, 2006. Reproduced with permission.
Cape Breton is known for its beauty including the Margaree River (a Canadian Heritage River), Lake O'Law and the Cabot Trail. Canada Post has identified this as the Lighthouse at Bras d'Or Lakes.  We have been unable to identify which light in particular it is from the Nova Scotia Lighthouse Preservation Society data.

Louisbourg Lighthouse, 1734

Fortress Louisbourg - The Harbour and Dauphin Gate Fortress Louisbourg - 18th Century Fortress Louisbourg - King's Bastion
Fortress Louisbourg - King's Garden, Convent, Hospital, British Barracks Fortress Louisbourg - Fortifications and Ruins Fronting the Sea and Rochfort Point
© Canada Post Corporation, 1984, 1995. Reproduced with permission.
Founded in 1713 for its cod fishery, Louisbourg enjoyed three peaceful decades as a French colonial seaport. In 1745, the British captured the Fortress. It was returned to the French three years later. The British again took the fortress in 1758 and completely destroyed it in 1760.

Atlantic Puffins
© Canada Post Corporation, 1996. Reproduced with permission.
The islands of Victoria County are home to most of Nova Scotia's nesting Atlantic Puffins.

St. Peters Canal
© Canada Post Corporation, 1998. Reproduced with permission.
St. Peters Canal, a National Historic Site, provides a connection for boaters
from the Bras d'Or Lakes to the Atlantic Ocean.

Angus L MacDonald
© Canada Post Corporation, 1998. Reproduced with permission.
Angus L. MacDonald (1890-1954) - Lawyer, Politician, Professor
Premier of Nova Scotia - 1933-40 & 1945-54
Born in Dunvegan, Inverness County, MacDonald's Liberal Government introduced unemployment relief and old age pensions during the Depression. They also passed labour laws to allow the formation of trade unions and the right to collective bargaining. He spent the intervening war years as Minister of Defence for Naval Services in the King government.

Aaron R Mosher
© Canada Post Corporation, 2005. Reproduced with permission.
The Canso Causeway celebrated it's 50th Anniversary in 2005.  The 4,500 foot causeway, which accommodates a two lane paved surface, a single line railway and a walking path, is ten times narrower at the surface (80 metres)  then at its base (217 metres depth).   A swing bridge (depicted) crosses a shipping canal on the Cape Breton side.

This page and all contents, unless otherwise noted, copyright © 2004-22
Nova Scotia Stamp Club, all rights reserved. 
Last updated 19 April 2022