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The Royal Philatelic
Society of Canada

The Canadian Stamp
Dealers Association

Canada Post
Canada Post

Thank you for another successful year..........

Novapex is Atlantic Canada's Premier Stamp Show and Exhibition. Held each year in the Halifax area by the Nova Scotia Stamp Club, anyone in Atlantic Canada who is a member of a recognized stamp club is welcome to apply to exhibit at the show. Dealers, both local and from away are invited, bringing their wares to expand and enhance your collections. This is a great opportunity to find out what your collection is worth or possibly to sell it back into the philatelic community. Look, Learn, Buy, Sell and have a good time!

September 14 - 16, 2007
Dartmouth Sportsplex,
100 Wyse Road
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia



Major Awards



Royal Philatelic Society of Canada
Gold, Vermeil, Silver, Silver-Bronze and Bronze awards are presented to those entries which merit such recognition.  These awards sanctioned by the Royal Philatelic Society of Canada are for quality, therefore there can be more than one in each class.  Recipients also receive a gold, silver or bronze lapel pin from the club. 

Court of Honour

Dave Cooper  - My Ship Sank - When Can I Come Home

David Harvey - Nova Scotia Covers

David Harvey - Nova Scotia Forgeries

John Hurst  - Newfoundland Publicity Issue 1929 - 1931

George MacKenzie  - Aviation Through the Ages

Certificate (Non Competitive)

John Hall  - Holograms in The Philatelic World

Michael Peach - Postal Union Letter Rates -   Victorian Britain

Certificate of Participation

Steward Purdy - Kabuki Theatre In Japan


Dennis Bedley  - Postage Due Various


Alex Faulkner - Sports on Stamps   (Youth)

Dave Harvey - The Semi Official Air Mail Stamps

Gordon Leslie - Flora of Australia 


Neil Bowlby - New Zealand Advertising Stamps of 1893

Sandy Clark - Royal Death and Mourning 

Jack Colwell - Orchids on Stamps

Ary Kalkman - The Royal William

Carl Munden - Handstruck Postmarks of Pre-confederation Newfoundland

Liam Parks - Birds of Canada (Youth)

Lorraine Rasmussen - A Tour of Early 20th Century Halifax through Henry Hechler Picture Postcards

Laszlo Szantor - Hungary - Issues of the Monarchy  1871-1918

Sean Weatherup - The Mail by Rail - Collecting Cancellations of the Railway Post Office 

Sean Weatherup - The Railway Post Office in Pictou - New Glasgow

Andrew Winter - Newfoundland Postal Stationary


Jim Carde - Shades of Canadian Postal Stationery   Postcards 1871 - 1929

Rev. Ray Corbett - The Dotted Postmarks of Edinburgh

John Eldridge - Centennial Issues 1967-73 50 cent High Value

Jeff Parks - Finding Halifax - The Halifax Bicentenary Issue 1949

Michael Peach - A Hundred Years Ago in Great Britain - A Picture Postcard View - How Things Have Changed

Michael Peach - Mulready Postal Stationery - Great Britain

Michael Peach - Postal Union Rate Postcards - Victorian Britain

Hugh Rathbun - Postal History of Cheverie Nova Scotia

Jane Sodero - Milford House Postcards 1905 to Present

Gary Steele - 1897 1 cent Jubilee

Vermeil (with Felicitations)

Elizabeth Sodero - Night Mail 


John Eldridge - Collecting the 15c Blue - Peace Commemorative Issue of France

Jack Forbes - Import and Export Control

Jack Forbes - Shades of Canada's 8 cent Small Queen

Lorraine Rasmussen - Anton Hechler - The Story of a 19th Century German Immigrant

Jane Sodero - Guysborough, N.S. Post Office 1838-1937



Major Awards

The Ken C MacDonald Postal History Award was awarded to Jane Sodero for her gold winning exhibit Guysborough, N.S. Post Office 1838-1937.

The J Doug Allen Novice Award for "the best first-time winner of a Royal Philatelic Society of Canada award" during the annual show of the Nova Scotia Stamp Club was awarded to Jeff Parks for  Finding Halifax - The Halifax Bicentenary Issue 1949.

The Nova Scotia Stamp Club Award was presented to Hugh Rathbun for outstanding contributions to the club and to the advancement of philately in Nova Scotia.

The People's Choice Award for the most popular exhibit as determined by a vote by those who attend the exhibition was awarded to the gold winning exhibit of Lorraine Rasmussen - Anton Hechler - The Story of a 19th Century German Immigrant.

David Cooper Memorial Trophy (One-Frame Team Competition)  The first, what is hoped to be annual, one Frame Team Competition saw entries from four teams.  The scoring was close and the the Team representing the British Collectors Club of Nova Scotia was awarded the Trophy and individual Medallions.  The team consisted of....

Rev. Ray Corbett - The Dotted Postmarks of Edinburgh

Alex Faulkner - Sports on Stamps   (Youth)

Jack Forbes - Import and Export Control

Michael Peach - Postal Union Rate Postcards - Victorian Britain

Elizabeth Sodero - Night Mail 


Show Pictures

Award winners (l to r), Jane Sodero, Jeff Parks and Hugh Rathbun

Team Competition Winners (l to r)
Michael Peach, Alex Faulkner, Jack Forbes, Ray Corbett, Elizabeth Sodero

Rogues Gallery at Claude Michaud's Table

Left Photo - Exhibits Chair Sean Weatherup reviewing Postcard exhibit
Right Photo - Chief Judge Jane Sodero discussing exhibit with People's Choice winner Lorraine Rasmussen

Two of the many exhibits to be found at the show.



This page and all contents copyright © 2008,
Nova Scotia Stamp Club, all rights reserved. 
Last updated January 29, 2008