Home: Nova Scotia Stamp Club

Constitution and By-Laws

  1. The name of the Club is The Nova Scotia Stamp Club.

  2. The object of the Club will be to encourage the collecting of postage stamps, related items and the study of philately.  To promote interest in the hobby, the club will meet once per month (except July and August) to exchange and acquire philatelic items and knowledge for the mutual benefit of all members.

  3. (a) The executive of the Nova Scotia Stamp Club will consist of the President, Vice-President, Past President, Secretary, Treasurer, Newsletter Editor, and three Directors. Two of the Directors are to be elected by the Club membership and the third will be appointed by the Executive. At executive meetings, five (5) executive members in attendance will constitute a quorum.

    (b) The authority and discretionary powers granted to the executive for the purpose of conducting the Club’s regular business may be exercised and approved by a quorum of club executive members in a virtual meeting, or by e-mail or other electronic means and shall be as valid and effectual as if conducted at a duly constituted in-person meeting. Any business conducted in this manner shall be read into the minutes captured at the next scheduled executive meeting.

  4. (a) An Auctioneer, Assistant Auctioneer, Librarian, and Auditor will be appointed by the Executive from Club members.

    (b) The Club's Exhibition Chairperson, appointed by the Executive, will sit as an ex-officio member of the executive.

  5. Committees will be formed and designated as follows:

    (a) A membership committee that can be made up of members of the Club or the executive. The Terms of Reference will be read into the executive minutes.

    (b) A program committee, composed of the President, or Vice-President and two other Club membes.

    (c) The Executive may, as deemed necessary, appoint individuals or sub-committees to the business of the Club.  The individuals ir sub-committees may include members of the Executive, members of the Club-at-large or a combination of both.  The Executive will read into the minutes the name of the individual or the composition of the sub-committee(s) and the required Terms of Reference.

  6. (a) The Club will hold regular monthly meetings (normally from September of any year to June of the following year) at a place, date and time to be determined by the executive. At such meetings, fifteen members, including the Club President or his/her appointed representative will constitute a quorum.

    (b) The Annual General Meeting will be held in the month of September each year.

    (c) In May, the Past President will chair a Committee of three members to prepare a slate of potential of nominees to form an executive for the next year that will be approved by the executive prior to being presented to the membership at the Annual General Meeting. The consent of such members to act as Officers must be obtained before their names are submitted. The Club membership will receive notification of the nominees in the newsletter issued immediately prior to the Annual General Meeting.

    (d) The President and Treasurer will submit their Annual Reports at the Annual General Meeting.

    (e) The President is empowered to call a special executive or Club meeting at any time by giving due notice of the place, date, and time and by providing an agenda of the topic(s) for discussion.

  7. The annual membership dues for all classes of membership will be reviewed by the executive annually. A recommendation to change membership dues will be published in the earliest Newsletter possible and recorded for the reading of the minutes. Any change in the membership dues must then be approved by a majority vote of the attending quorum at the next regularly scheduled Club meeting.

  8. (a)  An application for membership does not imply acceptance.

    (b) If, in the opinion of the Executive, a member is deemed to have exercised dishonest or unfair practices (internal or external to the Club) and thus reflects discredit upon the Club, such member can be expelled by the Executive.  This action will be considered only after a hearing at a meeting of the Executive.

  9. The Executive may approve petty cash funds to facilitate effective and efficient conduct of repetitive Club business. The petty cash funds may be revoked by the Executive at any time.

  10. Proposed changes to the Constitution of the Nova Scotia Stamp Club may be presented in writing by any member.  The proposed change will be reviewed by the Executive.  If accepted by Executive, the proposal will be published in the Club newsletter and presented to the membership for consideration at the earliest possible meeting.  The change(s) must be approved by a majority vote of the attending quorum at the next meeting.


This page and all contents copyright © 2002-22
Nova Scotia Stamp Club, all rights reserved. 
Last updated 14 June 2022